Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences Building

Workplace Inspection Program

PURPOSE: Workplace inspections reduce the risk of occupational injuries and illnesses by identifying unsafe and unhealthy conditions and providing the opportunity for such hazards to be abated before injuries or illnesses occur. Periodic facility/site inspections also provide an opportunity to verify compliance with applicable regulations and established workplace safety standards.


  1. OSHA General Duty Clause
  2. Florida Tech’s Ethics Policy


Under Florida Tech’s Ethics Policy under 'Responsibilities.'


  1. Site: Florida Tech facilities shall be inspected to identify any unsafe or unhealthy conditions. In addition, focused, unscheduled inspections may be conducted in response to employee reports of unsafe or unhealthy conditions or if these conditions are observed while doing a walkthrough. Abatement of identified unsafe or unhealthy conditions will be initiated as soon as practicable based on the determined risk and required resources.

  2. Inspection Team: Dependent upon scheduling and availability, the inspection team will include at a minimum the following group: environmental health and safety (EHS) professionals with the knowledge and experience to identify unsafe and unhealthy conditions. Representatives of the organizational unit occupying the location(s) under evaluation are advised to accompany the EHS Team conducting the inspection.

  3. Inspection Schedule: Inspections will be scheduled, and notification will be provided to Florida Tech inspected party. Unscheduled inspections may be conducted in the laboratory/animal research facilities and shop areas because of the greater number of potentially hazardous conditions which exist in these facilities.

  4. Inspection Checklists: EHS inspection checklists for both office and laboratory/animal research areas will be updated, as necessary. It is expected that responsible parties acknowledge receipt of the reports in keeping with this University Ethics Policy 2.: Demonstrate respect for the rights of others and accept accountability for one's own actions.

  5. Reports: Inspection findings will be reported to the affected Florida Tech Office within 1 week* following completion of the inspection.

  6. Imminent Danger: Whenever the inspection team determines that a condition or work practice exists, which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious injury immediately, or before the imminence of such danger can be eliminated through a normal hazard abatement process, the inspection team will appropriately post the hazard, notify employees in the immediate work area, and contact the appropriate Florida Tech Office, as required, and initiate a hazard abatement process.

  7. Hazard Abatement: All unsafe or unhealthy conditions identified must be corrected within a reasonable time. The inspection report will identify the priority for hazard abatement and suggest appropriate corrective action(s). Hazard abatement actions which are not under the responsibility of affected Florida Tech or require resources outside of Florida Tech will be forwarded to the appropriate organizational unit. Correction of all unsafe or unhealthy conditions identified must be tracked by the appropriate organizational unit until the hazard(s) has been mitigated.


This is a ‘self-audit program,’ which OSHA interprets as, If the employer has corrected the violative condition prior to the initiation of an inspection (or a related accident, illness, or injury that triggers the OSHA inspection) and has taken appropriate steps to prevent the recurrence of the condition, the Agency will refrain from issuing a citation, even if the violative condition existed within the six-month limitations period during which OSHA is authorized to issue citations. Where a voluntary self-audit identifies a hazardous condition, and the employer promptly undertakes appropriate measures to correct the violative condition and to provide interim employee protection but has not completely corrected the violative condition when an OSHA inspection occurs, the Agency will treat the audit report as evidence of good faith, and not as evidence of a willful violation of the Act.

  • Willful violation of the Act carries a fine of: $165,514 per violation;
  • Failure to Abate carries a fine of: $16,550 per day beyond the abatement date;
  • Serious, Other-Than-Serious Posting Requirements: $16,550 per violation. 


1 week refers to 5-business days that excludes weekends and federal holidays. Inspected parties will be given a verbal brief as to what is not in compliance with regulatory standards.


Areas of inspection will be the following –

  1. Required Safety Training per regulations/policy (OSHA, EPA, Florida, Florida Tech etc.…);
  2. Chemical inventory (if applicable);
  3. Workspace for safety compliance;
  4. Medical Surveillance Program (if applicable).